SEO During a Website Migration

CreateX's SEO team successfully supports the process of redesigns and other significant changes to our clients' sites. How? You will learn in the lines below.

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What Does SEO Support for Site Migration Include

When the time comes to revamp your website's design, change your CMS, or even change your website domain, getting an experienced SEO professional involved in the process as early as possible is key to the success of the endeavor.

Here's what he'll do to keep the risks of organic visibility damage to an absolute minimum:

Action plan during the migration

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It is recommended that the structure of the new site be communicated in advance with an SEO specialist and according to research on the volume of searches for specific keywords, competitive analysis and analysis of user behavior. This ensures that the updated site will meet user needs as much as possible and subsequent optimization for organic results will be greatly facilitated.

Preparation before the actual website migration

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Important checks after the migration is complete and the new site is live

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Why SEO Migration Support is Necessary

The involvement of an SEO specialist in the process of redesigning or completely revamping a website ensures that the migration will happen with minimal risk and that the changes to the site will follow the best practices of optimization for organic ranking.


A migration is defined as any significant change that could affect the website’s visibility in search engines.

No. We could also provide SEO support for a migration done by an external DEV team. It is important to know that the involvement of an SEO specialist is recommended at the very first stage when planning changes to the website.

Yes. If you entrust the migration to CreateX’s WEBDEV team, they will work closely with the agency’s SEO specialists. In the detailed description of the site development service (completely new or redesign of an existing one), which you will receive with your offer, all SEO activities will be described in detail.

Why SEO Optimization by CreateX?


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